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Home > IPSC South Australia
On behalf of the executive committee, I would like to welcome you to the official page of the International Practical Shooting Confederation (South Australia) Incorporated!
Since its foundation in 1976, IPSC has spread to over 100 countries including Australia, with SA in particular having 20 affiliated clubs, over 300 elite competitors and many hundreds more competing at club level.
SA also had the privilege of hosting the 2016 IPSC National Handgun Championships at Southern Vales Practical Shooting League, which was also the 40th anniversary of IPSC in Australia. It was a record breaking event for an Australian Nationals with over 400 competitors.
Through the site you will be able to find information regarding our non-for-profit organisation from links to affiliated clubs to the contact information of our executive team, in case you have any questions. The members area is updated regularly with STICs match results and other news to keep you informed.
Keep an eye on the calendar so you never miss out on a level II or Level III match.
Also, a thank you to our sponsors for their assistance in maintaining our organisation
”Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas”
If you wish to join in this exciting and challenging discipline of the shooting sports, you will need the following:
Start competing in the most dynamic target shooting competition in the world!
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If you have a general enquiry please complete the form below and click the send button. We will endeavour to respond to you within 24 hours.
Alternatively search the club list above if you get in contact with a local club.
8-10 Cottage Lane Hackham SA 5163
Section Coordinator: Steve Brown
Website: https://ipsc.org.au/ipsc-south-australia/