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IPSC Australia and IPSC Queensland are proud to host the 2025 IPSC Australia National Handgun Championships at the Townsville Pistol Club (TPC), 146 Mount Stuart Rd, Roseneath QLD 4811.
Date | Activity |
Pre-match | 13-14 August 2025 |
Registration and Gun Check | 13-14 August 2025 |
Main Match | 15-17 August 2025 |
Stages | 18 Stages + chronograph |
Round Count | 330 rounds minimum |
Presentation Event | 18 August 2025 |
The Presentation Lunch will be the Mercure on Monday 18th August
The match hotel is Mercure Townsville.
Mercure Townsville | Premier Townsville Hotel & Resort
When booking at the Mercure, use this code online to receive a discount on the current pricing online: EVENTMT
For shirt sizing, please refer to the manufacturer’s website:
Visitors from other states or territories in Australia may not need a visitor’s licence, as long as they hold an interstate licence recognised in Queensland. If you are visiting Queensland from another state, your interstate licence is mutually recognised provided if:
– you are licensed for the same purpose on your interstate licence, and
– you are participating in a shooting competition
International visitors to Queensland must hold a visitor’s licence if they plan to use a firearm while here.
Visiting Queensland with weapons | QPS (police.qld.gov.au)
Match information to assist with your travel application: Match Details and Personal Invitation
All enquiries for your entry should be sent to the Match Director mark.waters@internode.on.net
Match Director | Mark Waters |
Range Master | Tony Bryce |
Stats Director | Gina Graham |
Typical arrangements will be in place for Range Officers accommodation, entry to the event, catering and Presentation Event. Transport to and from the airport/range is also included.
Contact Bonny Thompson bonny@pssaus.com.au to discuss the options available for match sponsorships!
Match enquiries | Mark Waters e: mark.waters@internode.on.net m: 0428 018 078 |
Sponsorship enquiries | Bonny Thompson e: bonny@pssaus.com.au m: 0417 743 085 |
Full metal jacket projectiles cannot be used at TPC. Jacketed hollow points, lead, copper washed and copper plated (e.g. Frontier, Tiger Shark, Campro etc.) are acceptable.
Due the limited space available, camping is not available at TPC during the pre-match or main match.
Mobile reception at the range is poor. That prevents us from having EFTPOS facilities.
TPC does not have access to the town water supply, please be water wise. The tap water at TPC is not potable so please bring your own or buy water from the canteen.