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Update: Match Results

Match Result Summary by Division

We’ve added a summary table of the past 3 years results to the web site. Each of your results listed under your “My Profile” should appear on the same line as your IPSC number.

Access the Match Result Summary through a new menu option under Match Calendar. (Note: this option is only available through a desktop browser due to the size of the results tables.)

Menu Option

Choosing the Result Summary menu option opens the page to select the division for reporting. Providing all divisions is very slow, so the only option is to report by a single division.

Division Selection

Choose the division from the Drop Down list and select “View Division Results” to create the summary of results.

This may take some time depending on how many other members request the data at the same time.

Match Results Summary

After a few moments, the Results Summary screen will appear with the matches listed with all Nationals shown first, followed by each match submitted by the Sections in date order.

The result summary screen looks a little different to the rest of the web site, as it is not using the standard layout. This allowed the display of more information than standard pages.

If there’s any issues, please email with your feedback.