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General Assembly Rules Update

IPSC Australia International Rules Update

The International Practical Shooting Confederation General Assembly was held during November 2022, and the following Rules Update decisions were made:

  • Motion 14 – Rename all the IPSC Competition Rules as January 2023 Edition.

Expect the new rules booklet to be available in due course (see below)

  • Motion 15F – Amend the Handgun Rules

The proposals were split so that only the following items were voted on and approved:

  • The expiry date for .357SIG in Standard and Classic Divisions was extended to December 31 2025.
  • Production Optics Division under trial since 2019 was adopted as a permanent Handgun Division.
  • Motion 16 – Proposals from Israel

The proposals were split into two motions as follows:

  • The addition of new Veteran Category of shooters from the age of 70 and more was approved.
  • The addition of Lady sub-categories (Lady Senior, Lady Super Senior etc.) was not approved.
  • Motion 19 – Authorize the IPSC Executive Council to correct errors and conflicts in the rule books.

All other Handgun Discipline items were deferred.

As the expiry date for the Production Optics Light (PDOL) Division trial was December 31 2022, the expiry date has been extended to December 31 2023, subject to further discussion at the deferred rules meeting.

All other Motions to amend the Rules were deferred to an Extraordinary General Meeting on 31 March 2023.

How these updates affect Australia:

  • The updated Handgun rulebooks may not be issued until after the Handgun Rules are reviewed in March 2023.
  • For those members who have competed and received grades in PDOL, these grades are not applicable to any other division.  Scores will not be applicable for National Team Selection in another division.
  • A number of regions objected to the new category being named “Veteran” due to the military usage of this term, so the category will be “Grand Senior” (to be ratified at the Extraordinary General Meeting).